My father passed away of cancer on December 3 2010. He was diagnosed with gastric cancer on May 2010. Got that? every month he need go chemo.My father was 67 years old. Passed away almost 2 month his birthday at 10 Feb
equivalent to a day of my birthday is February 11.His death at around 5.30pm. Before he went, when I was at work and get a call from the sister who says father can not save. We are required to go to hospital for the last time to see dad. I began to feel afraid. I could see my father in a small go public eye and hand move as I wanted to convey something. Sadly this looks like my father,operation unsuccessful .I still can't believe what has happened. Like everyone else I would not have thought that someone close to me would ever pass away with cancer. I still have not grasped what has happened even though time has passed and don't know when I will realize what has occured. Everything happened so fast, I remember when my father was first diagnosed after some stomach pains he was having. at first, I tried to ignore what happened and give good reasons why something like this would happen....such as it was God's will and his plan, which I still believe, but I didn't want to grieve my Father's death...If I was to grieve I would have to deal with the fact that my Father truly died and I couldn't accept that...I still don't fully accept because I keep living my life as if nothing occured. At night I realize what has happened, but only for a short while and then I go on thinking everything will be like they were one day.Old Man? He was and is my father and it hurts when people say he was old like i should not feel the way i feel. My father had cancer of his stomach stage 4.
This is the reason why i am writing at this moment. Telling you out there day by day with dates. God had a plan. My father went for his sonogram on December 3 2010. Please do not get me wrong. Prevention is best. If there is a chance go for it fight! But when there is nothing that can be done just accept things the way God decided. Respet your love one wishes. Regardless of the situation spirituality always help. IT IS NOT EASY TO LET YOUR LOVED ONE GO! I am grieving my father, it hurts so much but at least he is not suffering. God had Mercy! Listening or reading about other people'story i can see that even touhg it look like my father had cancer all around his abdominal cavity, he did not suffer a lot compare to other having less compromised cancer. TO GOD BE THE GLORY! To all the people out there that are going through this painfull time my prayers and concerns are with you. You are not alone. God is with you. He will give the strengh, the courage and th patience. He will not give more that you can not endure. Pray! Pray!
My last picture with my My lover Father ~!!
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